
Dec 06, 2012

Why Injured Workers Should Deactivate Their Social Media Accounts

By |December 6th, 2012|Insurance, social media, Uncategorized, workers' compensation|0 Comments

Your private photos could be used against you by insurance companies. Today’s post comes from guest author Nathan Reckman from Paul McAndrew Law Firm.Recently, it seems as though everyone is connected through social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. These tools have become a great way to keep in touch with friends and family [...]

Nov 29, 2012

Cancer Risk, Workplace Carcinogens and a Government Report

By |November 29th, 2012|Government, Health, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Rod Rehm from Rehm, Bennett & Moore.Our law firm recently completed successful litigation involving eight families against various chemical companies. A member of each family got cancer from working at a local plant where industrial solutions were used to make rubber products. Stating the obvious, cancer is universally bad, [...]

Nov 26, 2012

Real Danger Comes With Winter Weather

By |November 26th, 2012|Uncategorized, workers' compensation|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Jon Gelman from Jon Gelman, LLC - Attorney at Law.Winter weather can make work much more dangerous. Some of the hazards associated with working in snowy or stormy weather include: Driving accidents due to slippery roadways Carbon monoxide poisoning Slips and falls due to slippery walkways Hypothermia and frostbite [...]

Nov 22, 2012

National Constitutional Museum

By |November 22nd, 2012|Constitutional challenges to workers' compensation, Uncategorized|0 Comments

National Constitutional MuseumWhen most Americans visit Philadelphia they go to see the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall where the U.S. Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787 by our founding fathers. 42 individuals signed the Constitution in this room after vigorous debate for months. At the other end of Independence Mall sits the impressive National [...]

Nov 19, 2012

10 Things To Do If You Get Hurt At Work

By |November 19th, 2012|Uncategorized, Workers' Comp' Basics, Workers' Compensation, Workplace Injury|0 Comments

If you are hurt at work make sure to follow these guidelines to protect your rights Today's post comes from guest author Todd Jones from Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano.When you're injured at work in New York, people often ask what they should do immediately following the accident. There are several basic things [...]

Nov 15, 2012

The Origins of Workers’ Compensation in the United States

By |November 15th, 2012|history of workers' compensation, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Jay Causey from Causey Law Firm.Today’s post is a film on the history of workers'’ compensation, presented by the Workers’ Injury Law & Advocacy Group at the National Symposium on the 40th Anniversary of the National Commission on Workers Compensation, which in 1972 found the state workers' compensation systems [...]

Nov 12, 2012

READER REVIEW: “Love and Fatigue in America”

By |November 12th, 2012|medical condition, READER REVIEW, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Unidentified, Usually by Choice from Causey Law Firm. "Love and Fatigue in America", by Roger King, 2012 (Terrace Books, University of Wisconsin Press) with introductory remarks.  CFIDS/CFS/ME: same disease, different names. CFS:   Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.CFIDS:   Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction.ME:   Myalgic Encephalopathy.  Almost all concerned (researchers, clinicians and persons living [...]

Nov 08, 2012

NFL Bounties – Intentional Injuries

By |November 8th, 2012|Safety Gear, Safety Rules, Sports, Uncategorized, Workers' Comp QA, Workers' Comp' Basics, Workers' Compensation|0 Comments

NFL players can qualify for workers' compensation benefitsThe injury rate in the NFL is 100 percent. If you stay around long enough you will have multiple injuries. This high “natural” injury rate makes it hard to understand how a team could give awards to players who injure other players, but that's just what the New [...]

Nov 05, 2012

6 Tips To Combat Worrying, Stress & Anxiety

By |November 5th, 2012|doctors and medical, Uncategorized, workers' compensation|0 Comments

Today’s post comes from guest author Kit Case from Causey Law Firm.Worry is increasingly pervasive in our society as insecurity about the economy and safety, nationally and personally, grows daily. Worry is compounded in the daily lives of those who are injured or disabled, as they struggle with the added burdens of medical costs and [...]

Nov 01, 2012

Misclassification – Second Meeting in N.C.

By |November 1st, 2012|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Governor Perdue's Task Force on Employee Misclassification met for the second time on October 29, 2012 in Raleigh, N.C. Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin started the meeting and several speakers were called to give various perspectives on the problem. One of the speakers was Alitha Palich, who represents concerned N.C. contractors, particularly those in plumbing, heating [...]

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