
Oct 29, 2012

Compensation for Secondary Smoke Inhalation

By |October 29th, 2012|Uncategorized, workers' compensation, Workplace Injury|0 Comments

Today’s post comes from guest author Charlie Domer from The Domer Law Firm.Recent article indicates some public health departments are offering incentives to create smoke-free policies in buildings. The idea is to reduce the exposure to second-hand smoke. While substantial strides have been made in many states to provide both smoke-free public places and smoke-free [...]

Oct 25, 2012

A Video Mission Statement

By |October 25th, 2012|Firm News, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Last month, Leonard Jernigan sat down with a film crew in Raleigh to make a video for our website. The video is a very short clip (about two minutes) but it gives our firm an opportunity to explain who we are and why we are highly qualified to represent injured workers' before the North Carolina Industrial [...]

Oct 18, 2012

Workers’ Compensation Is About Relationships

By |October 18th, 2012|Uncategorized, workers' compensation|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Ryan Benharris from Deborah G. Kohl Law Offices.Prevention of accidents should be the first step in establishing a successful workers'’ compensation system. If an employer were truly concerned about the health and safety of the employee there would be no need for workers'’ compensation. Unfortunately the profit motive of the [...]

Oct 15, 2012

Nursing Facilities Have Higher Incidence Of Workplace Injury Than Construction

By |October 15th, 2012|Uncategorized, Workplace Injury|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Nathan Reckman from Paul McAndrew Law Firm.According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics “Workplace Injuries and Illnesses – 2010” report, the United States is becoming a safer place to work. In 2010, there were 3.1 million non-fatal work injuries reported. This translates to 3.5 injuries [...]

Oct 11, 2012

Wacky Worker’s Comp Week. Stripper Denied Worker’s Comp Benefits

By |October 11th, 2012|Employer Fraud, Uncategorized, Workers' Compensation, Workplace Safety|0 Comments

The South Carolina Supreme Court found that an exotic dancer was an "Independent Contractor," not an employee. Today's post comes from guest author Tom Domer from The Domer Law Firm.What a wacky week in the world of worker’s compensation. We found that a stripper who was seriously injured by a bullet fired at the club [...]

Oct 08, 2012

Figuring Out Your Work Comp And Disability Benefits

By |October 8th, 2012|Uncategorized, workers' compensation, Workplace Injury|0 Comments

Your work comp benefits will not increase with the cost of living.If you are injured on the job, it is important to know what your potential benefits may be so you can limit your spending accordingly. Benefits are based on your average weekly wage over the previous year. The exact calculation is a little more [...]

Oct 04, 2012

Wage Theft Is Illegal And Immoral

By |October 4th, 2012|Fraud, service industry, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Kim BoboKim Bobo, the Executive Director of Interfaith Worker Justice and the author of "Wage Theft in America," recently spoke at Duke Divinity School and then at N.C. Central University School of Law in Durham, N.C. Ms. Bobo, who was awarded the Pacem in Terris Peace Award in 2012 (other recipients are John F. Kennedy, Mother [...]

Oct 01, 2012

Factory Fires in Pakistan Are A Painful Reminder Of Safety Oversights

By |October 1st, 2012|Government, Safety Rules, Uncategorized, Workplace Safety|0 Comments

A recent fire at a Pakistani garment factory is reminiscent of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fireThe fires in two clothing factories in Pakistan on August 12, 2012, where locked exit doors and lack of safety inspections helped fuel the flames of death for over 300 people, has similarity with the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New [...]

Sep 27, 2012

Drug Watch: Zimmer Knee Implants Plagued With Failure

By |September 27th, 2012|drug and pharmaceutical-law, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Knee implants you thought would last decades may only last 3 years. Today’s post comes from guest author Brenda Fulmer from Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano.Zimmer is an international medical device manufacturer based in northern Indiana. It was founded in 1927, and focuses on the manufacture of products for orthopaedic surgeries. Zimmer’s sales [...]

Sep 21, 2012

Misclassification Task Force Has First Meeting

By |September 21st, 2012|Fraud, Uncategorized|0 Comments

North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance Wayne Goodwin Wayne Goodwin, the North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance, held the first meeting of the Governor's Misclassification Task Force on September 20, 2012 in Raleigh. Commissioner Goodwin set the tone for the meeting by saying that the purpose of the Task Force was to solve a serious [...]

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