
Sep 20, 2012

Scarring And Workers’ Compensation: Myth Vs. Truth

By |September 20th, 2012|Uncategorized, workers' compensation, workers' compensation basics|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Ryan Benharris from Deborah G. Kohl Law Offices in Massachusetts. In North Carolina, we have similar provisions concerning scarring. The maximum benefit is $20,000 for facial scarring and $10,000 for bodily scarring.It might be mighty cheesy to dispense legal advice by citing a bad, sappy love ballad from 90’s [...]

Sep 17, 2012

Well-documented Expense Records Increase Value of Your M&T Reimbursement

By |September 17th, 2012|Uncategorized, workers' comp basics, workers' compensation|0 Comments

Today’s post comes from guest author Michael Furdyna from Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano. In North Carolina, if medical travel is 20 miles or more round trip the rate of reimbursement after January 1, 2009 (on a Form 25T) is .55 cents per mile. While receiving medical treatment related to a workers’ compensation [...]

Sep 13, 2012

Misclassification Fraud Across the Country

By |September 13th, 2012|Fraud, Uncategorized|0 Comments

"Misclassification" is a poorly chosen word to describe fraudulent conduct by employers who misclassify the status of their employees. For example, a roofing company may have 30 roofers doing the actual work but these workers' are classified as "independent contractors" instead of employees. Why would they do that? At the end of the year these [...]

Sep 10, 2012

The 11 Most Life-Threatening Jobs on the Planet

By |September 10th, 2012|Uncategorized, Workplace Injury|0 Comments

Today’s post comes from guest author Paul J. McAndrew, Jr. from Paul McAndrew Law Firm via our colleagues at The danger workers’ face on the job is not always compensated by higher pay. Life-threatening jobs can be mind-numbingly simple, easily performed by unskilled workers’ or children, or as physically and mentally demanding as one can [...]

Sep 06, 2012

Our Aging Population Requires More Attention

By |September 6th, 2012|Uncategorized, workers' compensation|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Jon Gelman from Jon Gelman, LLC - Attorney at Law.In the past three months, 39.8 million people over age 15 have provided unpaid care to someone over 65 because of a condition related to aging. As some jurisdictions cut off workers' compensation benefits based on age, the burden of [...]

Sep 03, 2012

How To Select A Good Lawyer For Your Problem

By |September 3rd, 2012|Uncategorized, workers' comp basics, workers' comp qa, workers' compensation|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Rod Rehm from Rehm, Bennett & Moore. Selecting and hiring a good lawyer is critical in dealing with a legal problem. Lawyers are increasingly limiting the types of cases handled in an effort to provided better representation. The Internet is a common starting point for consumers to locate and [...]

Aug 31, 2012

Clint Eastwood And The American Worker

By |August 31st, 2012|Clint Eastwood, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Clint Eastwood at the 2012 Republican National Convention Actor Clint Eastwood gave a speech on August 30, 2012 at the Republican National Convention that will not be forgotten any time soon. After going off script and speaking to an empty chair, representing a missing President Obama, he said the President "was crazy." I'm not sure [...]

Aug 30, 2012

The Very Real Dangers Of Worry (Part 1)

By |August 30th, 2012|Uncategorized, workers' compensation|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Kit Case from Causey Law Firm.Worry is increasingly pervasive in our society as insecurity about the economy and safety, nationally and personally, grows daily. Worry is compounded in the daily lives of those who are injured or disabled, as they struggle with the added burdens of medical costs and [...]

Aug 27, 2012

I Filed A Report And Notified My Supervisor. What Else Do I Need To Do?

By |August 27th, 2012|Uncategorized, workers' comp qa|0 Comments

Today’s post comes from guest author Matthew Funk from Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano.QUESTION: I filed an accident report at work and notified my supervisor. Do I have to do anything else? ANSWER: YES! The C-3 claim must still be filed with the Workers’ Compensation Board by the injured worker. Right before going [...]

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