
Sep 26, 2011

Cell phone ban for commercial drivers could affect truckers’ work’ comp’ claims

By |September 26th, 2011|Cell phones, Driving, Truckers, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Our post for today comes to us from our colleague Rod Rehm of Rehm, Bennett & Moore in Nebraska. On Tuesday the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued a recommendation that could affect millions of truckers. The NTSB proposed that commercial drivers be banned from using both hand-held and hands-free mobile phones while driving on the [...]

Sep 22, 2011

The NFL’s surprising occupational hazard: obesity that kills

By |September 22nd, 2011|Sports, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Most people know that football is dangerous. We see reports of NFL players with every kind of gruesome injury imaginable. Even suicidal depression, it turns out, is a potential hazard of playing football. Of course playing in the NFL is both rewarding and risky. There is one common health problem among NFL players, however, that [...]

Sep 20, 2011

Public reaction to NC workers’ comp bill leads to a better outcome for workers’

By |September 20th, 2011|Government, Legislation, Uncategorized, Workers' Compensation|0 Comments

This article originally appeared in the Jernigan Law Firm Summer 2011 newsletter. Without a major public outcry, the original workers’ compensation bill proposed to the North Carolina legislature would likely have passed. That would have been a disaster for workers’ in our state. We would like to sincerely thank everyone who participated. Let’s make sure [...]

Sep 08, 2011

World Trade Center dust and 9/11 first responders with cancer, time for U.S. Government to stop withholding benefits

By |September 8th, 2011|9/11, Firefighters, First Responders, Government, Mesothelioma, Police, Uncategorized, Workers' Compensation|0 Comments

This guest post comes to us from our colleague Edgar Romano at Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano, LLP in New York.  Many courageous first responders, who saved lives at Ground Zero, have since been diagnosed with cancer, and yet the U.S. government does not pay for their treatment. This Saturday, September 10, CNN will air Terror In [...]

Aug 18, 2011

Mental Injuries in Workers’ Compensation

By |August 18th, 2011|Mental Injuries, Uncategorized, Workers' Compensation|0 Comments

Today we’re featuring another guest post by our colleague Tom Domer of Wisconsin. Here Tom shares the legal tests that establish whether damages for mental injury will be awarded. For mental injuries following a physical injury, the standard is “Is the mental disability… related to the work injury?” For cases that don’t involve a physical [...]

Aug 11, 2011

Employee Penalized For Not Following Safety Rules

By |August 11th, 2011|Penalties, Safety Rules, Uncategorized, Working from Car, Workplace Injury|0 Comments

In this guest post our colleague Jon L. Gelman of New Jersey highlights a worrisome recent ruling. In the state of Missouri, if an employee does not follow their employers’ safety rules and is injured, their award may be significantly reduced. He points out that this logic works in opposition of what the workers’ compensation [...]

Aug 08, 2011

Workers’ Comp Benefits Off the Work Site: Work At Home, Travel

By |August 8th, 2011|Uncategorized, Workers' Compensation, Working from Car, Working from Home|0 Comments

This post is the first of (hopefully) many you’ll be seeing on our blog by guest writer Tom Domer of Wisconsin. In this post, Tom notes that over 18-million people work from home today. He smartly questions the traditional criteria for whether work done from home can be applied to a workers’ compensation claim.  [...]

May 23, 2011

North Carolina Proposes to Reduce Worker Benefits & Abolish Privacy Rights

By |May 23rd, 2011|Uncategorized, Workers' Compensation|0 Comments

There are two bills in the legislature (HB 709 and SB 544) that will reduce workers’ compensation benefits to injured workers’, abolish their rights to physician-patient privacy and make it easier for insurance companies to cut off benefits. Although there is a 146 young women died because the fire doors were locked possibility that representatives [...]

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