
Jun 01, 2018

The Privatization of the Justice System – The Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis Opinion Impact on Workplace Protections

By |June 1st, 2018|worker rights, employees, employment, employment law|Comments Off on The Privatization of the Justice System – The Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis Opinion Impact on Workplace Protections

Today's post comes from Kristina Thompson at the Jernigan Law Firm. The Privatization of the Justice System – The Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis Opinion Impact on Workplace Protections "The privatization of the justice system" - those are the words Cornell University labor law professor, Angela Cornell, used to describe the Supreme Court’s recent [...]

Sep 16, 2015

Workplace Relationships

By |September 16th, 2015|employees, relationships, Uncategorized, workers' comp, workplace relationships|0 Comments

NY Times article "Friends at Work? Not So Much" The New York Times recently published an op-ed claiming that the amount of people who seek or maintain friendships in the workplace has dropped in recent decades. Where people once looked to the workplace as a main source of long-term friendships, by 2004 only 30% of [...]

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