
Aug 18, 2014

Truckers Fired Over Workers’ Comp Claim: What to Do Next

By |August 18th, 2014|Truckers, Trucking, Uncategorized, Workers' Compensation|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Rod Rehm, from Rehm, Bennett & Moore.Truck drivers have a remedy if fired for making a workers'’ compensation claim. A recent award of over $100,000 to a truck driver who was fired for making a workers'’ compensation claim illustrated the protection drivers have under the Surface Transportation Assistance Act [...]

Aug 04, 2014

Workers’ Comp Covers Work-Related Motor Vehicle Accidents

By |August 4th, 2014|Business Travel, car, Death, Safety, truck driver, Truckers, Trucking, Uncategorized, Worker safety, Workers' Compensation, workplace accidents|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Todd Bennett, from Rehm, Bennett & Moore.Do you drive a company vehicle as part of your job? Many find themselves in the situation where they travel regularly, or on a special errand from time to time, as part of their job.  In the unfortunate scheme of things, if you [...]

Jun 06, 2013

Truckers are often entitled to benefits from multiple states.

By |June 6th, 2013|Business Travel, doctor choice, Truckers, Uncategorized, workers' comp basics, workers' comp qanda, workers' compensation|0 Comments

Today’s post comes from guest author Rod Rehm from Rehm, Bennett & Moore.Truckers are frequently entitled to benefits from multiple states for an injury. Each state sets rules for applying its workers’ compensation laws. Virtually all states cover accidents that happen in that state. Many states allow benefits if the employer has it primary location [...]

May 23, 2013

Feds To Ban Truckers From Using (Hand-Held) Cell Phones

By |May 23rd, 2013|Business Travel, Cell phones, Driving, Independent Contractor, Safety Rules, Truckers, Uncategorized, Working from Car|0 Comments

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Today's post comes from guest author from Jon Gelman, LLC - Attorney at Law.The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is proposing to restrict the use of hand-held mobile telephones, including hand-held cell phones, by drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) while operating in interstate commerce. Cell phones have become [...]

Sep 26, 2011

Cell phone ban for commercial drivers could affect truckers’ work’ comp’ claims

By |September 26th, 2011|Cell phones, Driving, Truckers, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Our post for today comes to us from our colleague Rod Rehm of Rehm, Bennett & Moore in Nebraska. On Tuesday the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued a recommendation that could affect millions of truckers. The NTSB proposed that commercial drivers be banned from using both hand-held and hands-free mobile phones while driving on the [...]

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