
Jul 25, 2013

Why Do Roofers Fall From Roofs? Is it just because of gravity?

By |July 25th, 2013|Uncategorized, workplace accidents, Workplace Injury, Workplace Safety|0 Comments

Today’s post comes from guest author Jon Gelman from Jon Gelman, LLC – Attorney at Law.Today I received an urgent call from attorney representing a client in New Jersey who fell from a roof. Before she told me the job description of the injured worker, now in a coma, I correctly anticipated that it was [...]

Jul 22, 2013

“Opting Out” of Worker’s Compensation Hurts Workers and Employers (Part 1)

By |July 22nd, 2013|Uncategorized, workplace accidents, Workplace Injury, Workplace Safety|0 Comments

Today’s post comes from guest author Tom Domer from The Domer Law Firm.More than a century ago, Wisconsin’s initial efforts in worker’s compensation led the nation. In 1911 Wisconsin became the first state in the nation to place a broad constitutionally valid worker’s compensation system into operation. Recent events, specifically Oklahoma’s passing legislation to allow [...]

Jul 18, 2013

Social Security Disability Denied? Don’t Give Up Hope. (Part 2)

By |July 18th, 2013|social security disability, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Barbara Tilker from Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano.Last week we told you about the denial of John's claim for Social Security Disability. This week we present the results of John's appeal.  Unfortunately, John’s run of bad luck with the Social Security Administration continued, and the Appeals Council [...]

Jul 15, 2013

Take Someone to the Doctor with You

By |July 15th, 2013|doctor, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Jon Rehm from Rehm, Bennett & Moore.Having a work injury is incredibly stressful. Sometimes when a worker is under stress, they won’t understand what a treating doctor is telling them, which leads to frustration and anger on the part of the worker directed toward the doctor. In turn, the [...]

Jul 11, 2013

Social Security Disability Denied? Don’t Give Up Hope. (Part 1)

By |July 11th, 2013|social security disability, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Barbara Tilker from Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano.I've handled many Social Security disability cases over the course of my career, and helping people obtain the benefits they deserve is extremely gratifying. Today, I want to tell you about one of my clients who was eventually awarded Social [...]

Jul 08, 2013

Returning to Light-Duty Work – What, When, How & Why

By |July 8th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Women making airplane wings, circa 1920. Seattle Municipal Archives Today's post comes from guest author Kit Case from Causey Law Firm.          The Department of Labor and Industries encourages employers to offer light-duty positions to their injured workers' - - the suggestion is written across the top of every time loss compensation order - - as [...]

Jul 04, 2013

Official Disabilities Guidelines Now Covers Diabetes

By |July 4th, 2013|Doctors, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Paul J. McAndrew, Jr. from Paul McAndrew Law Firm.While diabetes is not a work injury or illness, it can have a serious impact on the rate at which an injured worker recovers. For instance, people with diabetes may have a much harder time healing from a foot or leg [...]

Jul 01, 2013

9/11 Fund Starts Making Payments To Victims

By |July 1st, 2013|9/11, Firefighters, First Responders, Government, Mesothelioma, Police, Uncategorized, Workers' Compensation|0 Comments

Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy Today’s post comes from guest author Jon Gelman from Jon Gelman, LLC – Attorney at Law.The Zadroga 9/11 Victims Claim Fund has started to make payments to victims of the World Trade Center attack. First Responders andthose who lived or worked in the immediate geographical site near “ground [...]

Jun 28, 2013

Changes to Medical Motions in NC: North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Bill (SB 174)

By |June 28th, 2013|Government, Legislation, Uncategorized, workers' compensation|0 Comments

North Carolina State Legislative Office Building This week Senate Bill 174 passed the House Committee with some changes that preserve the rights of injured workers' to have telephone hearings to get their benefits restarted and medical treatment expedited. For at least the past five years, injured workers' have had the right to have emergency medical [...]

Jun 27, 2013

My Friend Got SSD Right Away. Why Is My Case Taking So Long?

By |June 27th, 2013|social security disability, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Today's post comes from guest author Barbara Tilker from Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano.Many people currently applying for Social Security disability benefits know someone who has been through the process before and is currently receiving benefits.  In fact, many of our current clients were referred to us by former clients who were pleased [...]

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